Kenneth Crouch


Kenneth Crouch is a former prosecutor with experience in criminal proceedings, appeals, and litigation against government entities.


Kenneth Crouch has represented clients in criminal appeals and other post-conviction proceedings. Most recently before joining Perry Law, Kenneth served as an administrative prosecutor for the NYC Civilian Complaint Review Board (“CCRB”), where he challenged police officers’ use of force and litigated the Agency’s first disciplinary trial involving allegations of racial profiling and biased policing. Prior to that role, Kenneth investigated civilian complaints of police misconduct, and compiled misconduct findings substantiated by the CCRB Board.

Kenneth’s career spans a variety of public interest causes. As a member of the Harvard Legal Aid Bureau, Kenneth served as its Communication Director and co-led its participation in the Boston Municipal Housing Court Lawyer for the Day Program. Additionally, his research with Harvard’s Criminal Justice Policy Program assisted the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors’ consideration of statewide bail reform.

He holds a B.A. from Yale College and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.